Resources | Spave

Your First Month with Spave

Written by Spave | Feb 21, 2024 5:19:35 PM

Meet Monica! She’s a fictional Spave user who’ll take you through what one month of Spave usage can look like, from quick one-time donations to saving for a big life event.

Monica is a web developer with a baby on the way. She’s working on her New Year’s goals to give back to the animal shelter where she got her dog, Luna, and to save up for all the nursery digs she’s been eyeing on her Pinterest board.

She downloaded the Spave app and added in her giving and saving goals. Since she’s so busy—between planning her maternity leave at work and, you know, preparing to bring life into the world—volunteering at the animal shelter isn’t feasible, so Spave offers her a great opportunity to turn her spending habits into sustainable contributions. By setting an additional savings goal, she’s also able to regularly set funds aside for helpful nursery upgrades.

With her new nursery in mind, Monica orders a changing table for $75. 5%($3.75) of that purchase goes to Luna’s shelter, while 10%($7.50) goes into Monica’s nursery savings.

At church, she talks to a neighbor who’s fundraising to buy new computers for a Boys & Girls Club initiative. Between bites of baked goods, Monica opens her Spave app, and navigates to the spaveNOW tab where she effortlessly sends a one-time donation of $25 to her town’s chapter of Boys & Girls Club.

The following Sunday, Monica learns that her church is one of the 1.5 million accredited nonprofits in the Spave network, so she can use the Spave app’s weekly fixed amount donation method to streamline her contributions, sending her church $50 weekly. Now all her charitable contributions are in one app—and that means she gets just one donation receipt come tax season.

When the changing table arrives, Monica realizes that her treadmill and exercise bike don’t really fit in her vision for the nursery. She takes a moment to say goodbye to her fitness room, then lists them both on Facebook Marketplace. After selling off her fitness equipment, Monica sends a $200 spaveNOW into her savings. Those sales cover the cost of a new crib!

Since the month is winding down, Monica taps into her Spave app’s Insights page to see clearly how much she’s already given and saved through her spending. She’s proudly on-track for her shelter’s giving goal and making a huge impact on her nursery budget. Spave helps her feel accomplished about January and confident about the future she’s building for herself, her family and her community.

While Monica may be fictional, we’ll let you in on a complete truth: Since the start of 2024, spavers like Monica have donated thousands to the causes they care about most through Spave. Join Spave and see how easy it can be to change the world, without changing your habits.