Financial Wellness Tips

Use Christmas Money to Donate to Your Favorite Non-Profits with Spave

January 3, 2024|by Spave

Christmas money provides you with a unique opportunity. A lump sum of extra spending cash can make one huge splash or be used by spreading it out among a few projects and priorities. Maybe you've been waiting all year for enough funds to buy something big, or perhaps you like to spread it out and savor the Christmas spending until May. Either way, we would all love to be able to give more this year and transform lives.

If you've ever wished you could give more to charity and wondered, “How can I make more of a difference with what I have?”, you're not alone. Giving culture is on the rise. As people recognize the positive impact of giving, donations have risen 19% over the last few years. But there’s more to be done!

That Christmas money doesn't have to ride on one big choice. This year, you can transform your Christmas spending and saving for good. Here's how!

Don't Change a Thing

Continue to spend your Christmas money just like you would every year. But when you use the Spave App to live, give, and save, you can automatically save or donate to your favorite nonprofit. Donating to a nonprofit has never been easier. Choose a cause that matters to you, and let Spave do the rest.

Allocate Your Christmas Spending

Spave can help you allocate your Christmas Money before it slips through your fingers. Maybe you'll spend 40-60% on something you really want. 10-20% goes to paying down a little debt you accumulated this year. You choose to save 10-20% for some future saving goal like a car, home improvement, or vacation. Then, 5-10% you want to donate to nonprofit causes.

With the Spave app, you can quickly make a plan with the touch of a button. The percentages you allocate automatically go to where you want. Don't like percentages? Choose the round-up to the next dollar option instead. You're in control without having to micro-manage every transaction. 

Turn Christmas Money Into a New Habit

Studies show that the "high" you get from giving lasts longer than the joy of receiving or spending ourselves. This time of year, everyone is thinking about their New Year's resolutions. Christmas spending is a great way to start that new giving habit off on the right foot.

Since you're using the Spave app, you donate to a nonprofit every time you spend on yourself. You feel rewarded for your giving, so you want to do more of it.

Micro-transactions Generate Effortless Giving

These are micro-transactions—pennies on the dollar—so you don't even feel the money leaving your Christmas fund. But your little donations combine with thousands of little donations from others to make a big difference for a cause you care about. You can track how much you've given to each charity over time. Watch your tiny donations add up to big giving you may not have realized was possible when you were thinking about sending a lump sum.

Moreover, Spave continuously improves its app to help you reach your financial goals. See our latest update and gain deeper insights into how to save, spend, and give!

Spread the Love

You can choose for all of your donations to go to one nonprofit or charity. But since you'll be giving so regularly now, why not choose several? Each time you spend your Christmas money, the amount you choose to give is divided among your favorite charities. It took minutes to set up your giving and saving preferences. Do what you do now, and let the app do the rest.

Guilt-free Spending

With Spave, you feel good when spending. Spend on yourself guilt-free. Whether you spend on essentials or splurges, you know some of your money goes to those who may not be as fortunate as you. You can prioritize yourself and your family. You can invest in self-care while helping others.

Best Nonprofits to Donate to

The best nonprofits to give to are the ones that have personal importance — this elevates the joy you feel when giving. Spave has you covered here, too. We partner with trusted organizations across causes, over 1.5 million actually. Do you want to give to hunger, social justice, environment, animal welfare, faith-based, job training, local, or medical research? Whether your heart is calling you to give, you can find those charities and nonprofits on our donation app for nonprofit giving.

We all know what it feels like to want to give more frequently, but this can be easier said than done. Life gets in the way, and the year can easily slip away. This year, donate to nonprofits the easy way. Spave helps you combine how you live, give, and save into one easy-to-use app.